
What is HTTP? All you need to know, in plain English

⤳ This means: Any computer or device can use the services or download the resources hosted on another computer (the server). To make a client-server transaction happen, server admins need to install a set of tools on their servers. And configure them to serve clients. One of these tools is ...

⌛ 32 min read

Operating systems and memory management

⤳ In the previous chapter, we discussed how the OS and the CPU team up to make multitasking possible. In this post, I’ll continue our discussion with an important OS concept: Memory management. Let’s begin. Any limited resource needs resource management, and the main memory is no exception. ...

⌛ 6 min read

Operating systems and multitasking

⤳ In this chapter, I’ll continue the series with another important OS concept, Multitasking. Multitasking* is a common feature of modern operating systems, which involves switching between processes, to ensure each process will get a slice of the CPU’s time in a given period of time. To ...

⌛ 14 min read

How CPU works?

⤳ In this chapter, I’ll cover how the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes the instructions of a computer program. Central Processing Unit*, known as the CPU is where the execution of instructions happens. The CPU is the brain of your computer and interacts with the memory (RAM) over the system ...

⌛ 10 min read

How a computer program works

⤳ A computer program is a sequence of instructions for a computer to do a particular task. A task can be a simple as calculating a simple value or something more sophisticated, like playing music or browsing the web. All computer programs work in the same way; they ...

⌛ 13 min read

Cloud computing

⤳ Several years ago, companies had to set up their own data centers with all the equipment needed to get their software into the hands of their customers. Smaller websites used web hosting services or even shared-hosting solutions. Things are different now. Today, you can create ...

⌛ 6 min read

How Do Websites Work?

⤳ A website is a collection of web pages connected via hyperlinks or simply, links. As you probably know, a hyperlink is a reference in the text that takes you from one page to another when you click on it.  We all click on hundreds of ...

⌛ 3 min read

First Things First: Establish a Coding Foundation

⤳ The first step in learning anything is to learn about the fundamental concepts around it. Don’t feel uncomfortable asking basic questions; even if you think it’s dumb, it will count. Every question is an opportunity to learn something new. And if you take it, you’ll ...

⌛ 6 min read