JavaScript isset Equivalent (3 methods)

Updated Sep 22, 2023 ⤳ 6 min read

If you’re looking for the JavaScript isset equivalent, you’ve probably used it in PHP before and want the same functionality in JavaScript.

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As you probably know, PHP’s isset() function checks a variable is declared and not null.

Although JavaScript doesn’t have an isset equivalent, there are several ways to check for the existence of a “potentially undeclared” variable before accessing it.

In this quick guide, we’ll explore three methods to check if a variable is declared:

  1. Method #1: Using the typeof operator
  2. Method #2: Using Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty()
  3. Method #3: Using the in operator
  4. Bonus tip: Optional chaining

Let’s take a closer look at each method.

JavaScript isset with the typeof operator

The typeof operator takes an operand and returns the type of its value. The return value is always a string. So if the variable isn’t declared, typeof returns the string 'undefined'.

typeof 12
// output: 'number'

typeof 'Hello!'
// output: 'string'

typeof NonExistantVariable
// output: 'undefined'

This is a safe method to test potentially undeclared variables before accessing them:

// if someVariable is declared ...
if (typeof someVariable !== 'undefined') {
    // Do something with the variable ...

⚠️ Warning: If you try to access a block-scoped local variable or constant (declared by let or const), you'll get a ReferenceError (even when using typeof). This is due to a concept called the temporal dead zone (TDZ).

A variable is in the temporal dead zone from the beginning of its block until it's declared and intialized.

function myFunction() {
    if (typeof someVariable !== 'undefined') {
    // Do something here ...

    // Declaring the variable after using typeof
    let someVariable = 'someValue'

This rule doesn't apply to variables defined with var, thanks to hoisting. The var declarations are executed before any other code, no matter where defined. 

Please note only the variable declaration is hoisted, but initialization (assignment of the value) happens until the code execution reaches the declaration line - until then, the variable remains undefined.

So to test if a variable is declared and not null:

if (typeof someVariable !== 'undefined' && someVariable != null) {
 // Do something here ...

JavaScript isset with hasOwnProperty()

If you want to check for the existence of a property inside an object, you can use hasOwnProperty(). This method returns true if the specified property is a direct property of the object - even if the value is undefined

const artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix',
    instrument: 'Guitar'

console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('name')) // output: true
console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('instrumernt')) // output: true
console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('genre')) // output: false

Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() returns false if:

  • The property doesn't exist
  • Or has it been inherited

let artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix'

console.log(artist.toString()) // [object Object]
console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('toString')) // false

In the above example, we can call the toString() method because it's inherits the Object's prototype. However, when we check for its existence with hasOwnProperty(), we get false as it isn't a direct method. 

If you also want to check the value isn't nullish (just like PHP), you can do so like:

const artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix',
    instrument: 'Guitar',
    genre: undefined,
    albums: null

console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('genre') && artist.genre != null)
// output: false

console.log(artist.hasOwnProperty('albums') && artist.genre != null)
// output: false

Please note the == operator does an equality check rather than an identity check like the === operator.

Since most JavaScript objects inherit the prototype of Object, you can call hasOwnProperty() on arrays too:

// Checking if an array index exists:
const fruits = ['apple',  'orange',  'banana']

fruits.hasOwnProperty(3)   // false
fruits.hasOwnProperty(2)   // true 

If you call hasOwnProperty() on objects with a null prototype, you'll get a TypeError.

The static method Object.hasOwn() has been introduced (since Chrome 93 and Firefox 92) as an alternative to hasOwnProperty(). This method is recommended over hasOwnProperty() because it also works with objects with a null prototype:

const artist = Object.create(null)
artist.instrument = 'Guitar'

console.log(Object.hasOwn(artist, 'instrument'))
// output: true

Here's the browser compatibility for Object.hasOwn():

The browser support table for Object.hasOwn() property.
Browser support for Object.hasOwn() method. Source: MDN Docs

JavaScript isset with the in operator

The in operator checks if a property exists inside an object or its prototype chain. This is unlike the hasOwnProperty() and Object.hasOwn() methods that only consider the direct properties.

const artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix',
    instrument: 'Guitar',

console.log('name' in artist) // output: true
console.log('toString' in artist) // output: true

You can also test array indices with the in operator:

const fruits = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana']

console.log(2 in fruits) // output: true
console.log(6 in fruits) // output: false

Making a custom JavaScript isset function with the in operator should be easy:

const artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix',
    instrument: 'guitar',
    genre: null,
    albums: undefined

function isset(object, identifier) {
    //Works for objects and arrays
    if (typeof object !== 'object') {
       throw new TypeError('The first argument is expected to be of type object')

    return identifier in object && object[identifier] != null

console.log(isset(artist, 'name')) // output: true
console.log(isset(artist, 'instrument')) // output: true 
console.log(isset(artist, 'genre')) // output: false
console.log(isset(artist, 'albums')) // output: false

Bonus tip: using optional chaining (?.)

The ?. operator works like the . chaining operator with one difference: If a reference is nullish (null or undefined), the expression short-circuits with a return value of undefined.

const obj = {
   firstLevel: {
      secondLevel: {
        value: 'some value'

// output: undefined

// output: some value

If we did it without the optional chaining, we'd get a TypeError.

// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value')

The ?. operator is a safe way of accessing nested properties when there's a possibility that a reference might be missing.

You can also use it with method calls; In that case, it'll return undefined if the method doesn't exist:

let artist = {
    name: 'Jimi Hendrix'
const result = artist.perform?.();

If you want to do optional chaining with arrays, you can use them with the bracket notation:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr?.[10]); // output: undefined
console.log(arr?.[2]); // output: 3

Here's the browser compatibility for the optional chaining:

Browser support for optional chaining. Source: MDN Docs

I think that does it! I hope you learned something new today.

Thanks for reading.

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